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May 30, 2012

Get Inspired.

For the past week, I have really been testing myself. By that, I mean asking myself tough questions, doing things I normally hate, and reading things I know I should read but haven't gotten around to. In the mean time, I have had the privilege of hanging out with my friends that I haven't seen forever.

My two best friends from high school and me, soaking up the few days we have together before going our separate ways again. I'm super lucky because Kasey will be moving to Davenport, and Brooke will be visiting frequently!

As for "doing things I normally hate", I went to hot yoga at Root Down Yoga in La Crosse. This is where I should mention that I hate hate HATE yoga. My lack-of-elastic hip flexors and short body do not fold into those nice poses that all the tall, thin Bohemian people can. In addition to that, I hate hate HATE hot weather. I turn into this sweaty, messy, whiny version of myself every time there is a heat wave over 85 degrees. So, in the spirit of challenging myself to new things, I decided to go with my mom just once. 

Never have a I ever felt more like I jumped in the shower with all of my clothes on. I mean - yuck. The studio was cranked up to a soul-melting 96 degrees and I'm pretty sure I lost 6 pounds in water weight. But guess what? I LOVED IT. I mean, absolutely loved it. Brooke and I even went back the next day. I felt like a very strong, very sweaty ballerina. (And if you know anything about my childhood, that's what I thought I would be when I grew up.)

The part I loved most about it was although I felt at times like I was being pushed to my limit, the only person pushing myself was me. I mean, there was the encouragement from the instructor, but I found that I have a lot of internal motivation. This is why I hate yoga. I am too much of a perfectionist (and frustrated because I can hardly ever achieve perfection) to really appreciate the relaxation part. 

Then, the instructor said something that helped me to let go of that need for perfection: 

Sometimes you're so focused on getting to where you think you should be that you don't take time to focus on the journey to get there.

This is true in a lot of things in my life. I sure hope that I can remember this from now on. When life is moving too fast, I want to remember this. 
With all this motivation going on, there are a few videos I have to share with you. This commercial sums up my feelings for the day. I also found another video to be totally inspired by. From my understanding, this couple traveled around and documented their trip. It honestly made my eyes all teary because it made me want to do something that made me this happy.

However, I'm sure that this summer will bring a ton of opportunities to find that...because guess what???


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