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June 13, 2012

I Like to Move It, Move It!

The past few days have been pretty exciting, to say the least. As you know, I have been frantically looking for a job, and I was hired as a Group Exercise Instructor at the University of Iowa. I teach two classes: Core Fusion and Cardio Crazy. Once again, I have a dream job. Exercise and get paid for it! What could be better?

Here is my awesome new uniform! I am  am considering being converted to a Hawkeye. Maybe.

Seriously, you guys, it is so hard not to get swept up into the school spirit here. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has Hawkeye garb everywhere you look. On our bike ride the other day, Josh and I saw flags, license plate covers, side mirror covers, restaurants, random walls in the town totally decked out in Herky memorabilia. I'm so excited to finally go to a school that cares about football! 

Ok, so back to business. Josh and I have been waiting for the weekend to come so we can actually hang out. We had lots of plans, including a nature walk, making dinners together, visiting the mall (OK that one was mostly me), bike rides, and going to a church lunch for people our age. 

Our nature walk through the Coralville Lake and Dam Recreation Area was really fun, but very tiring. I taught my Cardio Crazy class in the morning, and during that time, Josh also decided to go running for the first time in a month. Combine each of those with the heat, and we were totally not ready to go for a 5 mile hike! We didn't realize that until it was too late, so we went anyway. Notice how a majority of our pictures include us sitting down :)

See, even Josh wanted to fit in with the Hawkeye spirit!

Discreetly hiding in the woods...

Bonding time at last!

 It has trails that cover 5 miles of beautiful scenery around Coralville Lake. There are also campsites, which we are hoping to take advantage of in the next few weeks. 

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